Why We Love Same-Day Dental Implants

same day dental implants

Until recently, getting affordable dental implants in Colorado Springs was a long process involving multiple appointments. That’s why we love same-day dental implants. These implants streamline the conventional multi-step process into one concise treatment, providing immediate results and convenience for our patients. What Are Same-Day Dental Implants? Dental implants offer a permanent solution to replace…

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Tips for Overcoming Dental Anxiety

dental care in Colorado Springs

As our patients at Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs know, regular dental care in Colorado Springs is vital for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. However, one of the most common reasons people avoid going to the dentist is dental anxiety. Essentially, dental anxiety is when a person is afraid, stressed, or anxious about being in…

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Study Links Gum Disease to Hypertension

dental care in Colorado Springs, Colorado

As your provider of dental care in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Dr. Kazemi wants our patients at Family Dentistry of Colorado Springs to have the information they need to enjoy a healthy, great-looking smile for a lifetime. As we’ve mentioned before in our blog, a substantial amount of research has found that gum disease increases a…

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